Tuesday, August 2, 2011


As I was doing the assignment for class, I hadn't really thought about how easy everything was to do. For example, interviewing my friends was so much harder than I expected, and uploading the videos were easier than I expected. Few years ago, I would have expected for the uploading process to be much, much harder.
YouTube has made uploading very simple and fast. They now have created an app for phones to have the YouTube experience at hand and with a single click, or touch.
Some websites even claim that YouTube is not only just a video source for home videos and fun things like that, but could even be the next NBC or another Napster.
Personally, I use YouTube for one purpose; Music.
I listen to music daily, and search videos all the time. If I don't use Pandora, Youtube is next on my list.
I love that it gives you the option to purchase the song that you're listening to. I see where people are thinking that it might be the next Napster.
I think YouTube has to start thinking outside the box a little bit and create something that will really set them apart. There are so many people trying to become the next big thing and if YouTube doesn't keep up, it'll be easily forgotten just like Myspace was.


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